The Lucky Lady and the Mutineers

April 1, 2023 - 18:30 to 21:45
Charlestown, Cornwall

Join us onboard Lady Daphne in Charlestown Harbour with a Glass or two of your favourite ‘Grog’ to hear stories and tales of Lady Daphne’s adventures and lucky escapes during her life at sea, followed by shanties from the Cornish group ‘Sordyans’ (Cornish word roughly translates to ‘Mutiny). A variety of ‘Grog’s’ will be available from our Bar throughout the Evening.

Prize for the best Pirate outfit on the night.

£8 per Entry Ticket (Bookable Below), Pre booking required as limited Capacity. Bar open from 6:30pm, presentation starts from 7:15pm.

Please ensure both Email and Mobile number are correct  when booking as they are used in the Booking/payment process.

Bookings no longer allowed on this date.